
The man, The shave, The theology.

December 05, 2011

On not having a partner

For all the pitfalls I hear of having a partner, I have discovered as many for not having one, just as severe.

A new venture always involves a series of innovative ideas.  There might be one critical one, underlying all else, on which the venture is based.  This is one that is innovative in the realm of the business.  But there are personal innovations along the way... realizing / discovering new ways of doing old things and such.
This area, for me, is severely stunted by not having a partner with whom I can take walks and discuss random notions which invariably combine to form an actionable idea.

Strategic Discussions
It's nice to have advisors and mentors with whom I can discuss strategic ideas, but these happen infrequently... less than once a month.  The early phases of a business are so tumultuous around strategy, no matter how clear
"Business Plan v15.docx" is.  Between the continuous pivots and shifting of strategic tasks because of a potential client issue or change in environment, I find myself adjusting minor details on a regular basis, and major details more often than I would prefer.
Having a partner to share this with would really help to make sure that I am not deluding myself on my perceived changes, and the alternative idea stream helps drive up the probability of a good decision.

Work Split
Who has the time to do it all?  Nuff said.

I find that when my motivation wanes, in previous team environments, it is easily uplifted with a session of venting, cheering, or otherwise having an emotional trade-off with my peers.  I don't have that whilst working out of my basement.  My family helps, but they're not involved in a detailed level of the business.  It's lonely.

I procrastinate.  Even after attending Dr. Piers Steel's discussion on procrastination, and finding myself more enlightened about the topic, and furthermore taking action to dissuade my habits, I still procrastinate on the items that carry a negative connotation.
I shouldn't.  I can't afford to.  I need someone there to push me, as I would push them.

Being accountable to myself does me no justice.  I give myself too much leeway.  I require others to whom I must be accountable.


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