
The man, The shave, The theology.

December 06, 2011

Got android apps on the PlayBook!

For the longest time I was unable to load android apps using DDPB (google it).
Finally figured out why DDPB wasn't loading the files:  I had a space in my password.  I finally used a two-letter password, and shazam!  she loaded with android apps.

Steps (all google-able):
- register for the OS2 beta <-- currently
- download DDPB (look it up on crackberry, there are good guides there)
- get some bar files (do apks work too?  unsure, i'll tinker)
- put playbook into development mode
- set password WITHOUT SPACES
- connect playbook to desktop (i used the original cable, in case it makes a difference)
- turn off playbook screen (not sure if this made a difference)
- close all blackberry software, including the one tucked away in the taskbar
- launch ddpb
- I used the 169.254 IP address
- choose bar files
- click install

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