
The man, The shave, The theology.

May 28, 2011


May 27, 2011
Today, I awoke from a pleasant nap to find myself buried in an assortment of clothes, toys, and other household objects. And lying next to me, weighing in at a whopping 20 pounds, was the culprit… my two-year-old Insha, her big eyes gazing lovingly into mine.


Shower Thoughts 1: Shower Thoughts

May 25, 2011
When I shower, it is a moment of peace, solitude and freedom – not just of clothes, but of the mind as well. So it is that a number of good ideas, bad ideas, grand ideas and even epiphanies are encountered during this time. Yet at the end of the shower, I find myself awakening from a dream state, shrouded in the mystery of what my mind conjured, and as the steam clears from the mirror, so do I find myself staring at reality once more. Of the grapes that flourished, only a few raisins remain in my mind’s eye. Thus do I write this series of blogs, my Shower Thoughts, so that I may capture as much at time and ground zero for future dissection.
